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gitremote (2328B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # git remote setup script - developed by acidvegas (https://git.acid.vegas)
      3 #
      4 # note: This assumes the directory structure of $HOME/dev/git/$USER/$REPO for each repository.
      5 #
      6 # usage:
      7 #	gitremote    | Update current working directory repository
      8 #	gitremote -a | Update every repository
     10 SIGNING_KEY='441EB0F297E0DCF0AEF2F711EF4B922DB85DC9DE'
     12 update_repo() {
     13 	DIR=$1
     14 	USER=$(basename $(dirname $(dirname $DIR)))
     15     REPO=$(basename $(dirname $DIR))
     16 	echo "updating $USER/$REPO..."
     17 	git -C $DIR remote remove origin
     18 	if [ $USER = 'internetrelaychat' ]; then
     19 		git -C $DIR remote add origin git@github.com:internet-relay-chat/$REPO.git
     20 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin git@github.com:internet-relay-chat/$REPO.git
     21 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin git@gitlab.com:$USER/$REPO.git
     22 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin git@codeberg.org:$USER/$REPO.git
     23 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin supergit:$USER/$REPO.git
     24 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin acidgit:$REPO.git
     25 	else
     26 		git -C $DIR remote add origin git@github.com:$USER/$REPO.git
     27 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin git@github.com:$USER/$REPO.git
     28 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin git@gitlab.com:$USER/$REPO.git
     29 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin git@codeberg.org:$USER/$REPO.git
     30 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin supergit:$USER/$REPO.git
     31 		git -C $DIR remote set-url --add --push origin acidgit:$REPO.git
     32 	fi
     33 	git -C $DIR config user.signingkey $SIGNING_KEY
     34 	if [ -f $DIR/description ]; then
     35 		if [ "$(cat $1/description)" = "Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository." ]; then
     36 			echo "Enter a description for $REPO:"
     37 			read DESC
     38 			echo "$DESC" > $DIR/description
     39 		fi
     40 	else
     41 		echo "Enter a description for $REPO:"
     42 		read DESC
     43 		echo "$DESC" > $DIR/description
     44 	fi
     45 	cp $HOME/.scripts/irc-post-commit-hook $DIR/hooks/post-commit
     46 	echo $USER > $DIR/owner
     47 	echo "https://git.acid.vegas/$REPO.git" > $DIR/url
     48 }
     50 if [ "$#" = '1' ]; then
     51 	if [ $1 = '-a' ]; then
     52 		for d in $(find $HOME/dev/git -type d -name mirror -prune -o -type d -name .git -print | sort); do
     53 			update_repo $d
     54 		done
     55 	fi
     56 else
     57 	if [ -d $PWD/.git ]; then
     58 		update_repo $PWD/.git
     59 	else
     60 		echo "invalid repository: missing .git directory"
     61 	fi
     62 fi