
- enter the void 🪐
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.bash_fun (2492B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # .bash_fun - developed by acidvegas (https://git.acid.vegas/void)
      4 alias ansi='python3 ~/.scripts/irc2ansi.py ~/dev/git/ircart/ircart/ircart/ansi'
      5 alias ascii='python3 ~/.scripts/irc2ansi.py ~/dev/git/ircart/ircart/ircart'
      6 alias bomber='sh $HOME/.scripts/bomber'
      7 alias busy="cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | grep 'ca fe'"
      8 alias chess='chess-tui'
      9 alias cmatrix='cmatrix -ab -u 1 -C magenta -s'
     10 alias crypto="curl rate.sx"
     11 alias donut="curl ascii.live/donut"
     12 alias fireworks='confetty fireworks'
     13 alias lavat='lavat -c magenta -s 10 -r 1 -R 1 -k cyan -b 20'
     14 alias mapscii='telnet mapscii.me'
     15 alias minesweeper='go-sweep'
     16 alias rmatrix='cmatrix -ab -u 1 -C red'
     17 alias pipes='sh $HOME/.scripts/pipes'
     18 alias pokemon='curl pkmn.li'
     19 alias starwars='telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl'
     20 alias wh='curl wttr.in'
     22 scene() {
     23 	for x in $(curl -L -k -s http://www.textfiles.com/artscene/ansi/bbs/ | tr ' ' '\n' | grep HREF | tr '"' ' ' | awk '{print $2}' | grep -P "(ans|vt)" | grep -v ".png" | grep "." | shuf); do
     24 	    curl -L -k -s http://www.textfiles.com/artscene/ansi/bbs/$x | iconv -f 437 -t utf-8 | pv -q -L 600
     25 	done
     26 }
     28 # Some of the commands below are from package installs or custom builds
     29 fun() {
     30     echo "COMMAND       | DESCRIPTION"
     31     echo "------------- | -----------"
     32     echo "asciiquarium  | Terminal-based aquarium"
     33     echo "ansi          | Play ANSI art in your terminal"
     34     echo "ascii         | Play ASCII art in your terminal"
     35     echo "bomber        | Bomberman in your terminal"
     36     echo "busy          | Make your terminal busy"
     37     echo "chess         | Play chess in your terminal"
     38     echo "confetty      | Confetti in your terminal"
     39     echo "cmatrix       | Matrix-style animation"
     40     echo "crypto        | Show cryptocurrency rates"
     41     echo "donut         | Spinning donut"
     42     echo "dvd           | Bouncing DVD logo"
     43     echo "fire          | Fire animation"
     44     echo "fireworks     | Fireworks in your terminal"
     45     echo "lavat         | Lava lamp style animation"
     46     echo "mapscii       | Maps in your terminal"
     47     echo "minesweeper   | Play minesweeper in your terminal"
     48     echo "pipes         | Pipes in your terminal"
     49     echo "pokemon       | Random Pokémon"
     50     echo "scene         | Play ANSI scene art in your terminal"
     51     echo "starwars      | Watch Star Wars in your terminal"
     52     echo "tty-solitaire | Play solitaire in your terminal"
     53     echo "wh            | Weather in your terminal"
     54     echo "wipe          | Clear your terminal in style"
     55 }